Soilent Green is people!!!

April 9th, 2014


Ok a chocolate bar containing trace amounts of nuts, I understand. Human flesh on the other hand, that’s the deal breaker…Who even eats these since Dahmer is gone? Hannibal Lector?

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Realistic dieting

April 9th, 2014


Here’s the dieting fanatic I want to hear from, the guy who isn’t out to conquer mountains. He is just wanting to dig into some zza’s, and break even. I actually think he would be over bearing too, but nowhere near as annoying as the P90X insanity or crossfit assholes that have to tell you about how everything you do is killing you.

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The musical cake

April 8th, 2014


Beans, beans the musical fru…well ok that rhyme doesn’t work, but check out how detailed that cake is. Now you can blame it on the dog, and the dessert.

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Best tip ever

April 8th, 2014


What a awesome tip. I don’t know what this person did to get this, but there’s no way the wings were that good..and I love wings.

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Catching the morning funnies

April 8th, 2014


Ahh there’s nothing like waking up and reading the funnies at breakfast. Wait yes there is, it’s called sleeping in.

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