Ahh, the single life.

December 2nd, 2013


Soak it up while you can fellow bro…Soon the dream will come to a end, and the pizza and beer hoards will be replaced by maritals, and baby supplies.

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Beastly pie

December 2nd, 2013


If I had to pick my favorite pie, apple pie is definitely it…You might have made your pie have a face, but it’s not going to stop me.

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Dont pee on us and tell us it’s raining.

December 1st, 2013


10,000 pounds worth of biscuits?!? Be it cookies or breakfast I’m down to help you get rid of these non paid for by you biscuits.

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Tried your Best?

December 1st, 2013


Thanks Mom I love burnt turkey, oh you tried your best?…I believe it was Sean Connery that said, ” Losers always whine about their best…winners go home with the prom queen.”

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The only time this has ever worked

November 30th, 2013


This is literally the only time any person has looked good while turning up a bottle of champagne…for a example look at this guy http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pUyR2PivTnk

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