Thats not cream

April 2nd, 2014


I know I would probably hurl over this one, but I’m almost positive I know at least one person that wouldn’t mind. Now when there’s a nutella filled one get a hold of me.

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Punishable by death

April 2nd, 2014


I love a good prank, but some are just too far. This is a example of too far, the last thing I want when trying to enjoy a sweet caramel apple is one of these breath blasters.

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Holy waste of money Batman

April 1st, 2014


Sushi is nice and all but come on it’s not this good. I don’t want to even imagine the bill for this, a normal roll is already like $14 so i cant imagine what 76 plates would cost.

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Coming Prepared

March 31st, 2014


This man is a true genius. Who wants to pay for $7 warm beers? Not you and not this guy, and when he has beer munchies he has all those goldfish.

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Best birthday ever

March 29th, 2014


Ok Spunky you best hurry up on your birthday present, the coals are almost ready. Also I just want to say how jealous I am of this dog. Next year everyone instead of cards get me steaks people, please and thank you.

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