You want to eat where?

October 15th, 2013


Yeah I think I’m going to sit this one out…Thanks for the gesture, and don’t bring me any left overs.

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Dinner next Saturday

October 15th, 2013


I may not be from jersey, but this fat drunk is going to chow on this come Saturday…Well minus a few items so I don’t make my bathroom look like Atlantic City after Sandy.

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Signs your kid is racist

October 14th, 2013


Your kid loves you Dad, and I’m sure the same goes for the mother…What the kid hates is purely speculation, but I have a good idea from this cake.

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October 14th, 2013


Yes baby you have just learned one of many lessons in your long road of life…Now to work on your drooling issues.

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Just be glad you got one

October 13th, 2013


Suck it up and stop whining…at least someone made you a cake for your bday.

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