You don’t say

November 7th, 2013


Boneless fruit? At subway?…I didn’t even know they had fruit at subway in the first place.

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May cause droziness in small children

November 7th, 2013


I don’t know if the Japanese are aware of what pedobear is to the rest of the world, but if they do it makes this product so much more creepy.

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Wiot Wok Style

November 7th, 2013


I dunno if you have ever cooked anything in a wok, but nothing short of a riot shield is going to help you…Now all you need is a welding mitt to stir.

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Proximity Parmesan

November 7th, 2013


I have never wanted to lift a Parmesan shaker, but now I just want to test this exploding threat out….update…They don’t explode, and now I have 7 extra cheese shakers.

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My Cookie

November 5th, 2013


So much effort to grab the cookie, but so lazy to stay laying down…Who am I kidding I’m the same way.

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