Slice and share?

November 26th, 2013


Slice? Share? I think not…I have two hands, one mansized appetite…best to dig through your halloween candy for a snickers if you’re wanting one.

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Way to go Mom.

November 26th, 2013


Well you tried to give your kid the little mermaid cake she wanted…too bad it looks like one of the killer clowns from outer space.

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What Coolio was talkin about

November 26th, 2013


I don’t know what you had in mind back in the 90′s, but this is pretty much what Coolio was talking about, and there’s a few forties off camera as well.

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They’ve finally done it

November 26th, 2013


The Russians have finally done it…They’ve made vodka alcohol free…of any impurities…No more drinking a 5th to get wasted for Nikolai.

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I think she’s trying to tell you something

November 25th, 2013


Maybe you should have not complained so much about your packed lunch…Maybe it’s about time you make your own pb&j.

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