Today a lesson was learned

March 1st, 2014


Wise men have said if you don’t learn something each day, then that day was wasted. Today was not wasted for this young pup that is for sure.

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Looks like we won again

March 1st, 2014


Well USA looks like we were right…again. Ham is good and all, but bacon is king, and ‘Merica!!

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The answer is yes.

March 1st, 2014


Yes. Most yes…Depending how portly this chick might be I’m sure this probably got him some action, and some diabetes.

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Tacky Jewelry

March 1st, 2014


I don’t know why girls have gotten back into wearing tacky stuff like this. Sure that looks like it would be a awesome on a plate, just not your finger. Next they’ll bring back slap bracelets.

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Heavy Breathing

February 27th, 2014


Thank god there isn’t a Chipotle anywhere around here. If there were I’d rival albino Garfield here. I wonder how many he can eat in a sitting.

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