Now that’s a sushi roll

March 4th, 2014


This is that choice sushi roll. Who needs wasabi, avocado, fish, and all that other mess. Get it out of here, This bad boy has Mcribs, Mcdoubles, 3 meat pizza, fries, and wait for it …….BACON. That ish cray #nextlevel

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Meanwhile at the Oscars

March 4th, 2014


I completely missed the Oscars yet I felt I missed nothing. Turns out I was wrong and apparently everyone did something ridiculous on camera at some point, such as Brad paper plating a slice in the crowd. Oh well I think this picture is giving me enough joy to look over the fact that I missed out.


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Sorry Layla

March 3rd, 2014


Looks like my dog is going to have to starve tonight. Spiders can live like what, 6 months without food? I think she’ll make it.

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Beer me Scooter

March 3rd, 2014


This isn’t my friends dog, but their doberman would do this for him anytime he would say he’s thirsty. If I say that my dog looks at me like “Well then go get something to drink, and bring me back something.”

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Espionage level 100

March 2nd, 2014


This idea is almost a solid 10.0, but there’s one missing detail. What about those two razor sharp seams? I don’t know then again you must pretty hard up for a beer to do this, so maybe he’s willing to take that risk.

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